Sciences biologiques

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Le secteur des sciences biologiques comprend des sociétés dont les activités concernent les produits biopharmaceutiques, la fabrication et la distribution médicale et les produits biologiques.

1CM Inc. is a retailer of vice consumer staples in Canada including Cannabis, Alcohol, Tobacco, Nicotine Vape, and CPG (Consumer Packaged Goods). Our vision is to be Canada's leading vice consumer staples retailer and wholesaler. The Company is focused on expanding its current operations through organic growth and by way of merger and acquisition transactions.

4Front Ventures Corp. is a vertically-integrated cannabis company with cultivation, production and retail facilities spread across several states in the US.

Share Classes

4Front has two classes of shares: subordinate voting shares (“SVS”) and multiple voting shares (“MVS”). SVS are publicly traded on the CSE and are entitled to one vote.  MVS are not publicly traded, can convert to SVS at a ratio of 1 MVS to 1 SVS, and are entitled to 800 votes per MVS.

There are 915,106,314 SVS outstanding and 1,276,208 MVS convertible to 1,276,208 outstanding for a total outstanding SVS of 916,382,522 on an as-converted basis.

Please see Section 10 - Description of Securities of 4Front's Form 2A Listing Statement for a further description of the SVS and MVS.

Founded in 2014, Adastra Holdings Ltd. through its Health Canada licensed subsidiary, Adastra Labs has built a successful reputation as a leading cannabis processor. Adastra manufactures products for its successful in-house concentrates brands Phyto Extractions and Endgame Extracts and co-manufactures for many Canadian cannabis brands. With products sold at more than 2,000 retailers across the country.

Operating out of its 13,500 sq. ft. Health Canada Licensed Standard Processing and co-located analytical testing lab facility, Adastra produces and distributes cannabis-derived products designed for medical cannabis and forward-looking therapeutic use. 

Adastra received its controlled substances dealer's license in August 2022 with an amendment in February 2023 and is licensed to partner with healthcare professionals and practitioners within the regulated environment to help create efficacious remedies that address the actual needs of patients.

Affinor is focused on the design, development and commercialization of vertical farming technology for both indoor and outdoor (greenhouse) applications. The team is currently working on demand crops such as romaine lettuce and strawberries by developing processes, methods and models to cultivate true perpetual crops at competitive pricing. It is the mission of Affinor to be the world-wide technology and market leader in creating and commercializing the most economical vertical farming technologies that use the least possible resources (eg. land, water, and energy resources) to produce the highest quality pesticide-free produce year-round, regardless of environmental conditions. Affinor’s patent technology and licensed patent pending technology positions the Company well in the vertical farming industry. It is the only vertically integrated technology that can offer patented inline automated pollination for fruiting crops. Affinor can offer software driven growing solutions automating high quality, scientifically engineered products and process.

L'émetteur est un fournisseur de solutions de santé numériques utilisant une combinaison exclusive de dispositifs de surveillance numérique de la santé, de logiciels basés sur l'IA et d'une plate-forme de cloud computing qui se combinent pour aider les soignants, les patients et les professionnels de la santé à accéder et à utiliser les données de santé pertinentes.

Aion Therapeutic Inc. est une société d’extraction de cannabinoïdes en phase initiale basée à Oliver, en Colombie-Britannique. Aion a demandé une licence de traitement standard en vertu de la loi sur le cannabis pour son installation de 10 410 pi2 et cette demande en est actuellement au stade de la révision. La société proposera l’extraction à forfait, la vente d’huile en vrac et le développement de produits de marque exclusive Aion et de produits marqués en blanc une fois autorisés à le faire.

Albert Labs International Corp. is a clinical research and laboratory-based drug development company serving the needs of mental health care. Through a succinct, real-world evidence (RWE)-driven clinical journey, Albert Labs seeks to commercialize its psychedelic-based treatments and, in doing so, bring psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy to patients sooner. Focused on accelerating access and faster approvals, Albert Labs prioritizes patients with urgent and unmet needs by developing licensed drugs to treat a variety of mental health conditions. Cancer-related distress, an original goal of Albert Labs' development program, is thought to affect more than 16 million patients worldwide.

Ascend Wellness Holdings (AWH) est un opérateur verticalement intégré avec des actifs et des partenaires dans l'Illinois, le Michigan, l'Ohio, le Massachusetts et le New Jersey. AWH possède et exploite des installations de culture de pointe, cultivant des souches primées et produisant une sélection de produits organisée. AWH produit et distribue des produits de marque Ozone.

Asep Medical Holdings inc. est une compagnie vouée à l’adresse de l’échec des antibiotiques. Elle développe des solutions innovatrices pour faire face aux besoins non-comblés des patients à l’échelle globale. Asep est une consolidation de trois compagnies privées qui, séparément, détiennent des technologies en développement - Sepset Biosciences Inc. (outils diagnostiques brevetés qui permettent l’identification du sepsis dans les meilleurs délais), ABT Innovations Inc. (agents thérapeutiques à très large spectre capables de traiter les infections associées au biofilm, infections souvent résistantes aux antibiotiques), et SafeCoat medical Inc. (dispositifs médicaux qui possèdent une technologie de revêtement antibactérien à base de peptides). 

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