Cansortium Inc. - Warrants
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Cansortium Inc. - Warrants
Cansortium Inc. - Warrants (TIUM.WT.U)
*Note: Bid Size and Ask Size fields are displayed as actual quantities
*Note: Bid Size and Ask Size fields are displayed as actual quantities
CSE operates two continuous auction market books: CSE and CSE2. Information about trades, quotes, and market depth for each book are displayed on this website. For more information about the specific features and functions for each book, click here.
*Note: Bid Size and Ask Size fields are displayed as actual quantities
*Note: Bid Size and Ask Size fields are displayed as actual quantities
CSE operates two continuous auction market books: CSE and CSE2. Information about trades, quotes, and market depth for each book are displayed on this website. For more information about the specific features and functions for each book, click here.
CSE operates two continuous auction market books: CSE and CSE2. Information about trades, quotes, and market depth for each book are displayed on this website. For more information about the specific features and functions for each book, click here.
CSE operates two continuous auction market books: CSE and CSE2. Information about trades, quotes, and market depth for each book are displayed on this website. For more information about the specific features and functions for each book, click here.
Date/Heure | Prix | Modifier | Volume | Acheteur | Vendeur | Venue |
CSE operates two continuous auction market books: CSE and CSE2. Information about trades, quotes, and market depth for each book are displayed on this website. For more information about the specific features and functions for each book, click here.
Information d'entreprise
SEDAR Information
Communiqués de presse
Communiqués de presse
2021-0334 - Expiration - Cansortium Inc. Warrants (TIUM.WT.U)
Le 22 mars/March 2021
Cansortium Inc. Warrants listed on March 21, 2019 expired March 21, 2021. The warrants will be delisted at the market close today.
Les bons de souscription de Cansortium Inc. inscrits le 21 mars 2019 ont expiré le 21 mars 2021. Les bons de souscription seront radiés à la clôture du marché aujourd'hui.
2021-0334 - Expiration - Cansortium Inc. Warrants (TIUM.WT.U)
Le 22 mars/March 2021
Cansortium Inc. Warrants listed on March 21, 2019 expired March 21, 2021. The warrants will be delisted at the market close today.
Les bons de souscription de Cansortium Inc. inscrits le 21 mars 2019 ont expiré le 21 mars 2021. Les bons de souscription seront radiés à la clôture du marché aujourd'hui.
2019-0326 - Nouvelle inscription - Cansortium Inc. (TIUM.U et TIUM.WT.U)
le 20 mars/March 2019
The common shares of Cansortium Inc. have been approved for listing on the CSE.
Listing and disclosure documents will be available at on the trading date.
Cansortium Inc. is a market leader in the vertical integration of seed to sale of processed cannabis oil in medical use frameworks in the United States and is developing such framework in other international jurisdictions. The Company operates ongoing physician engagement as well as research and development programs.